Nse to the l o w – k D species was submaximal (see Fig. 9 A) and w o u l d therefore not be expected to prevent a response to a subsequent challenge. Demonstration that TIL Also Respond to riP-10. W e have been serious about figuring out w h e t h e r r H u M i g was the only c h e m o k i n e capable o f inducing a calcium flux in TIL. As discussed under, M i g shares IFN-alpha 5 Proteins Synonyms options with IP-10 and given that riP-10 had been reported to become chemotactic for activated T cells (37), w e tested the response o f the TIL to riP-10. As shown in Fig. ten, riP-10, like r H u M i g , caused a rise in [Ca2+]i within the B10 TIL. T o test r H u M i g / r l P – 1 0 cross-desensitization, concentrations o f r H u M i g and riP-10 that p r o d u c e d maximal responses had been selected for the initial. challenges and concentrations close for the ECs0’S have been selected for the second challenges, riP-10 at 200 n g / m l blocked the response to a subsequent challenge with 2 n g / ml r H u M i g and r H u M i g at ten n g / m l eliminated the response to a subsequent challenge with 10 n g / m l riP-10, demonstrating cross-desensitization by r H u M i g and riP-10 in the B I 0 TIL. Demonstration that PBL Can Respond to rHuMig. Mainly IFN-lambda 1/IL-29 Proteins site because we have been able to demonstrate a rise in [Ca2+]i in TIL but not in freshly isolated PBL in response to rHuMig, w e h y pothesized that lymphocytes could should be activated to respond to rHuMig. PBL were obtained from normal d o nors by elutriation followed by Ficoll-Hypaque discontinuous density gradient centrifugation along with the lymphocytes have been cultured for 4 d with P H A and irradiated syngeneic monocytes. Calcium fluxes in response to different concentrations o f r H u M i g are shown in Fig. 11. These information d e m onstrated that rHuMig-responsive cells could be detected within the PBL population just after culture and activation in vitro. Lymphocytes were tested from a total o f 5 donors and in four o f the 5 the lymphocytes showed a rise in [Ca2+]i in response to rHuMig. In general, the activated PBL re1309 Liao et al.quired a larger concentration o f r H u M i g to detect a rise in [Ca2+]i as compared together with the TIL. Demonstration that rHuMig Is Chemotacticfor TIL, B10 TIL have been loaded with the fluorescent very important dye calcein, A M , and w e determined the TIL migration across a p o l y carbonate fdter in response to r H u M i g . Data from a representative experiment are displayed in Fig. 12. W h e n five 105 cells were placed in the upper chamber with 25 n g / m l o f the h i g h – k D r H u M i g in the reduce chamber, N1.four 10 s cells migrated into the lower chamber over the background n u m b e r o f cells that migrated inside the absence o f rHuMig.Z.O’C:)1.5’1.0′.m I[o.s.0.0′ 0 ……, . . . . . . . . …….. , …….. , 1 ten 100HuMlg (nglml)F i g u r e 12. r H u M i g – i n d u c e d c h e m o t a x i s in T I E Calcein A M – l o a d e d B 1 0 T I L w e r e analyzed for their m i g r a t i o n t o w a r d numerous c o n c e n t r a t i o n s o f h i g h – k D species o f r H u M i g making use of a m o d i f i e d B o y d e n c h a m b e r assay. five 105 ceils w e r e a d d e d to the u p p e r c h a m b e r s a n d the n u m b e r s o f ceils m i g r a t i n g across the p o l y c a r b o n a t e filter into the l o w e r c h a m b e r are e x pressed because the m e a n s –+ SE o f triplicate samples f r o m o n e representative experiment.8O90 tt IL-S {50 ng/rnl)70 g O.. z o’]MCP-1 (22 ng/ml)9=I 2’0, 6’0 i0HuMig (ng/ml)Figure 13. Failure o f high-kD rHuMig to induce chemotaxis.