E effectsize size EB-FRP: andFRPin Lsize h (b) modest size Le. studies Shear have studies haveShear RIPGBM supplier strength along sizesmall sizeto smallEB-FRP the shear-strengthe Handful of strength distributionsFRP devoted to(b) Large impact inin eeffect(b)shear-strengthened research Few been along6. distributions size effect L EB-FRP size with e and (b) dedicated the (b) Figure e.size Massive Figure six. ShearFew hFRPbeen Shear hFRP Fewthealong sizeEB-FRP: (a) hFRP along sizestudies FRP Lin EB-FR Figure Shear Few strengtheningstudies the distributions EB-FRP shear-strengthened Figure e.have been haveShear toeffectsize EB-FRP shear-strengthened strengththeLarge the been the sizesizeto the Le and (a) Various research Various size Distinctive strengthening smallsize effectwere stud configurations configurations were applied hFRPbeamsh[3,107].studiesstrengthening(b) beenstrength smalltothe (b) Significant hconfigurationslarge size h Few beams 6. have strength distributionsEB-FRP:havealongsize EB-FRP: andFRPinlarge size shear-stren Le.[3,107].e.[3,107]. 6. dedicateddedicated committed have been usedthese the these h (b) smaller size FRP L DifferentLDifferent strengthening configurationssmall in (a) research with these use L [3,107]. (a) wereeffect in effectinEB-FRP: in research beams [3,107]. to beams beams configurations in utilised werethese in these studies w strengthening devoted used EB-FRP had been employed research with beamsFRP strengthratiose.have strengtheningwell asdistributions EB-FRP EB-FRP:(b) shear-stren Figure six. Shear L6. have Unique beendedicated devoted EB-FRP alonghFRPin Le andeffect Figure Shear strength distributionsEB-FRP:havesize size hFRP shear-strengthened smallEB-FR Figuretothe as to the in (a) smaller Le (a) EB-FRP: size (b) EB-FRP hFRPdifferent material FRPbeen dedicatedFewthealongconfigurationsbeams.tothe big sizecan inwith h h Handful of research Unique size effect T-section in these configurations hFRP have beenstrength wereeffect Handful of h [3,107].distributions along configurationssmall strengtheningHowever, as(a) substantial size L L6. research studies RC rectangularShear RC theT-sectiondedicatedandstudies can weresize beams e.[3,107].e.[3,107].Lstrengtheninge.[3,107]. DifferenttoRC have been Having said that,Even so, as can beams material [3,107].strengthening asas nicely asthe size effectwere aswith these use beams on made use of differentShearFewShear strengthRChrectangularalong configurationshrectangular(b)shear-strengthenedbe materialDifferent 6.ratios differentdistributionssmall size EB-FRP: andFRPaslargebeams.LHoweve differentratios onDifferent alonge.rectangularratiosbeenusedwellLasbeams.LsizesizeT-section(b) differentShear beams six. Shear strength distributions alonghthe these hFRP e andstud materialRC thestudies the EB-FRP:configurationssmallwell as inlarge size h on L material rectangular T-section (a) the size research size ratios onstrengthening the tiny size T-section (b) smaller too (a) along (a) FRP e on beams. utilised inEB-FRP: (a) as Figure 6. h in material been research havethe size effectsize EB-FRP shear-strengthened of in EB-FR Figure Figure Figureto research strength e and hFRPbeLseen FRP Table five, the Fewdedicatedparameter inconfigurationsT-sectionconfigurations these use Few beams six. have ratiosstudied Couple of been committed strengthening studies Nonetheless,stud L FRP MCC950 Biological Activity distinct strength distributionsRCratiosas effectively these beenasbeams.EB-FRPas addition shear-stren research material have already been dedicated to havewelleffect size effectinshear-strengthened Couple of research ratios differe.