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Lt, animal fat, candies and snacks), which was translated, validated for Brazil and shown to have good reproducibility (0.92) and validity indicators (0.60 and 0.70) [21]. Physical activity was assessed according to the number of at least 60-minute sessions in the past seven days, considering any type of physical activity that increased the heart rate and breathing of adolescents. Adolescents who practiced physical activities less than five times weekly were considered physically inactive. This parameter was based on evidence demonstrating that it is necessary to practice 60 minutes of physical activity five days a week for health maintenance during adolescence [22]. Note that the WHO recommends 60 minutes of exercise per day for adolescents. The threshold for excessive alcohol consumption was a daily intake frequency of five drinks or more on a single occasion during the past 30 days. The intake of approximately 60 g of alcohol results in a blood alcohol concentration of 0.8 g/L or more. The following were considered a dose of alcohol: a can of beer, a glass of wine, and a shot of whiskey, cacha , rum, vodka or other. Those who reported consuming this amount on one or more days were considered to have this risky behaviour because excessive alcohol consumption on one occasion is already deleterious to health [23]. To assess smoking, the daily frequency in which individuals smoked in the past 30 days was questioned. Regular tobacco use was defined as having smoked at least one day during the 30 days preceding the survey; therefore, those who smoked one day or more were considered smokers [24]. UnPD98059 msds healthy diet was defined as the overconsumption of sugar, salt, animal fat, candies and snacks [21]. Excessive intake of animal fat was defined as the ingestion of more than three servings of meats and similar foods per day. The fact that sugar, salt, sweets and salty snacks are not purchase Vesatolimod recommended in balanced diets (consisting of grain and cereals, fruits and vegetables, meat, milk and dairy products) suggests that these foods are not considered healthy and should be avoided [21]. Individuals who consumed one or more of these items were considered to have an unhealthy diet. Sedentary behaviour was assessed by the total screen time (sum of daily television, computer and video game time) on weekdays and the weekend. This variable was continuously collected and individuals who had four or more hours per day in front of the screen were considered to have this risky behaviour. This cut-off point for total screen time was used in other studies [10, 24, 25].PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0159037 July 19,4 /Clustering of Risk Factors in AdolescentsIndependent variablesA self-administered questionnaire, including questions of demographic (gender, age and skin colour) and economic variables (school shift and economic level), was applied. Sex (male and female), study shift (day and night) and skin colour (white, brown, black, yellow and indigenous) were self-reported. The skin colour categories were divided in accordance with the recommendations of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics [26]. However, for data analysis, skin colour was dichotomized into “White” (individuals who classified themselves as white) and “Others” (individuals who classified themselves as brown, black, yellow and indigenous were grouped into this single category) [27]. Age was continuously collected and dichotomized into 14?6 years old and 17?9 years old to ensure a h.Lt, animal fat, candies and snacks), which was translated, validated for Brazil and shown to have good reproducibility (0.92) and validity indicators (0.60 and 0.70) [21]. Physical activity was assessed according to the number of at least 60-minute sessions in the past seven days, considering any type of physical activity that increased the heart rate and breathing of adolescents. Adolescents who practiced physical activities less than five times weekly were considered physically inactive. This parameter was based on evidence demonstrating that it is necessary to practice 60 minutes of physical activity five days a week for health maintenance during adolescence [22]. Note that the WHO recommends 60 minutes of exercise per day for adolescents. The threshold for excessive alcohol consumption was a daily intake frequency of five drinks or more on a single occasion during the past 30 days. The intake of approximately 60 g of alcohol results in a blood alcohol concentration of 0.8 g/L or more. The following were considered a dose of alcohol: a can of beer, a glass of wine, and a shot of whiskey, cacha , rum, vodka or other. Those who reported consuming this amount on one or more days were considered to have this risky behaviour because excessive alcohol consumption on one occasion is already deleterious to health [23]. To assess smoking, the daily frequency in which individuals smoked in the past 30 days was questioned. Regular tobacco use was defined as having smoked at least one day during the 30 days preceding the survey; therefore, those who smoked one day or more were considered smokers [24]. Unhealthy diet was defined as the overconsumption of sugar, salt, animal fat, candies and snacks [21]. Excessive intake of animal fat was defined as the ingestion of more than three servings of meats and similar foods per day. The fact that sugar, salt, sweets and salty snacks are not recommended in balanced diets (consisting of grain and cereals, fruits and vegetables, meat, milk and dairy products) suggests that these foods are not considered healthy and should be avoided [21]. Individuals who consumed one or more of these items were considered to have an unhealthy diet. Sedentary behaviour was assessed by the total screen time (sum of daily television, computer and video game time) on weekdays and the weekend. This variable was continuously collected and individuals who had four or more hours per day in front of the screen were considered to have this risky behaviour. This cut-off point for total screen time was used in other studies [10, 24, 25].PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0159037 July 19,4 /Clustering of Risk Factors in AdolescentsIndependent variablesA self-administered questionnaire, including questions of demographic (gender, age and skin colour) and economic variables (school shift and economic level), was applied. Sex (male and female), study shift (day and night) and skin colour (white, brown, black, yellow and indigenous) were self-reported. The skin colour categories were divided in accordance with the recommendations of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics [26]. However, for data analysis, skin colour was dichotomized into “White” (individuals who classified themselves as white) and “Others” (individuals who classified themselves as brown, black, yellow and indigenous were grouped into this single category) [27]. Age was continuously collected and dichotomized into 14?6 years old and 17?9 years old to ensure a h.

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Author: Ubiquitin Ligase- ubiquitin-ligase