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H of SCR7 BMS-5 structure supplement median flagellomerus and with basal width 3.0-5.0 ?its apical width posterior to constriction (Figs 133 a, c, 168 c, 172 c, 179 c)………………………………28 Ovipositor relatively thin, thinner than width of median flagellomerus, and ?with basal width <2.0 ?its apical width after constriction .........................30 28(27) Maximum height of mesoscutellum lunules 0.4 ?maximum height of lateral face of mesoscutellum (Fig. 120 f); antenna shorter than body length; propodeum usually evenly sculptured in most of its surface (Fig. 120 f) [Hosts: Pyralidae]............................................ glenriverai species-group [2 species] Maximum height of mesoscutellum lunules 0.7 ?or more maximum height ?of lateral face of mesoscutellum (as in Fig. 133 f); antenna as long or longer than body length; propodeum with strong sculpture limited to anterior half, posterior half mostly smooth and shiny; propodeum with transverse carinae complete and strongly raised, clearly delimited from background sculpture (as in Fig. 133 f) [Hosts: Hesperiidae] ......................................................29 29(28) Solitary parasitoids of Venada (Hesperiidae); cocoons as in Fig. 291 [See comments under species-group treatment for further justification on its status] ............................... joserasi species-group [2 species, one undescribed] Gregarious parasitoids of several genera of Hesperiidae but not Venada; co?coons as in Figs 304?29 ............... leucostigmus species-group [39 species]Jose L. Fernandez-Triana et al. / ZooKeys 383: 1?65 (2014)30(27) Body with extensive yellow and/or orange coloration, including tegula and humeral complex, parts of the axillar complex, sometimes posterior margin of mesoscutum (right in front of scutoscutellar sulcus), all coxae (rarely metacoxa dark brown to black), sometimes lateral edges of T3 and T4, most of laterotergites 1?, most sternites and hypopygium (partial or completely) (as in Figs 33 a, f, 114 a, f, 127 a, f, 141 a, f, 159 g, 161 a, c) ........................31 Body with much less extensive yellow-orange coloration: usually metacoxa ?(and sometimes also pro- and meso- coxae) partially to completely reddish, brown or black; axillar complex, tergites, most of laterotergites, and hypopygium (partial or completely) dark brown to black; tegula and humeral complex color variable but rarely both yellow .........................................................43 31(30) T2 mostly sculptured (Fig. 159 g) ................................................................ ............................... Apanteles rosibelelizondoae Fern dez-Triana, sp. n. T2 mostly smooth, at most with some sculpture near the posterior margin ... 32 ?32(30) T1 length at least 3.8 ?(usually more than 4.0 ? its width at posterior margin (Fig. 141 f, 161 h) and ovipositor sheaths 0.4 ?as long as metatibia (Fig. 161 a, c) .......................................................................................33 ?T1 length at most 3.2 ?its width at posterior margin and/or ovipositor sheaths at least 0.6 ?as long as metatibia ..................................................34 33(32) Body length 3.0?.2 mm, forewing length 3.1?.3 mm; tegula and humeral complex dark brown; anteromesoscutum with two orange spots laterally near posterior margin (Fig. 141 f); tarsal claws simple; ocular-ocellar line 2.1 ?as long as posterior ocellus diameter; interocellar distance 1.6 ?posterior ocellus diameter; flagellomerus 14 1.H of median flagellomerus and with basal width 3.0-5.0 ?its apical width posterior to constriction (Figs 133 a, c, 168 c, 172 c, 179 c)....................................28 Ovipositor relatively thin, thinner than width of median flagellomerus, and ?with basal width <2.0 ?its apical width after constriction .........................30 28(27) Maximum height of mesoscutellum lunules 0.4 ?maximum height of lateral face of mesoscutellum (Fig. 120 f); antenna shorter than body length; propodeum usually evenly sculptured in most of its surface (Fig. 120 f) [Hosts: Pyralidae]............................................ glenriverai species-group [2 species] Maximum height of mesoscutellum lunules 0.7 ?or more maximum height ?of lateral face of mesoscutellum (as in Fig. 133 f); antenna as long or longer than body length; propodeum with strong sculpture limited to anterior half, posterior half mostly smooth and shiny; propodeum with transverse carinae complete and strongly raised, clearly delimited from background sculpture (as in Fig. 133 f) [Hosts: Hesperiidae] ......................................................29 29(28) Solitary parasitoids of Venada (Hesperiidae); cocoons as in Fig. 291 [See comments under species-group treatment for further justification on its status] ............................... joserasi species-group [2 species, one undescribed] Gregarious parasitoids of several genera of Hesperiidae but not Venada; co?coons as in Figs 304?29 ............... leucostigmus species-group [39 species]Jose L. Fernandez-Triana et al. / ZooKeys 383: 1?65 (2014)30(27) Body with extensive yellow and/or orange coloration, including tegula and humeral complex, parts of the axillar complex, sometimes posterior margin of mesoscutum (right in front of scutoscutellar sulcus), all coxae (rarely metacoxa dark brown to black), sometimes lateral edges of T3 and T4, most of laterotergites 1?, most sternites and hypopygium (partial or completely) (as in Figs 33 a, f, 114 a, f, 127 a, f, 141 a, f, 159 g, 161 a, c) ........................31 Body with much less extensive yellow-orange coloration: usually metacoxa ?(and sometimes also pro- and meso- coxae) partially to completely reddish, brown or black; axillar complex, tergites, most of laterotergites, and hypopygium (partial or completely) dark brown to black; tegula and humeral complex color variable but rarely both yellow .........................................................43 31(30) T2 mostly sculptured (Fig. 159 g) ................................................................ ............................... Apanteles rosibelelizondoae Fern dez-Triana, sp. n. T2 mostly smooth, at most with some sculpture near the posterior margin ... 32 ?32(30) T1 length at least 3.8 ?(usually more than 4.0 ? its width at posterior margin (Fig. 141 f, 161 h) and ovipositor sheaths 0.4 ?as long as metatibia (Fig. 161 a, c) .......................................................................................33 ?T1 length at most 3.2 ?its width at posterior margin and/or ovipositor sheaths at least 0.6 ?as long as metatibia ..................................................34 33(32) Body length 3.0?.2 mm, forewing length 3.1?.3 mm; tegula and humeral complex dark brown; anteromesoscutum with two orange spots laterally near posterior margin (Fig. 141 f); tarsal claws simple; ocular-ocellar line 2.1 ?as long as posterior ocellus diameter; interocellar distance 1.6 ?posterior ocellus diameter; flagellomerus 14 1.

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Author: Ubiquitin Ligase- ubiquitin-ligase