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Bonferroni correction for LM22A-4 web multiple comparisons and trend-significant activations at pFWE , 0.1, corrected (in italics). We also report one small volume correction (SVC) activation based on previous results.4.2.1. Activation of visual motion-related cortexAs expected, the contrast moving dots . stationary dots led to strong activity in the V5 complex [22,23] and also to a large area of activation in the occipital lobe, which includes the upper and lower lips of the calcarine sulcus (corresponding to area V1), as well as dorsal and ventral V2; the activation also included areas of the V3 complex (V3, V3A and V3B; table 2 and figure 1a). All these areas are known to have directionally selective cells [9,24] or to be responsive4.2.3. Preferred . non-preferred (4 . 1)A contrast of preferred more than non-preferred led to the activation of left V5 and right V3A/B, and trendsignificant activation in left occipito-parietal cortex (table 2 and figure 1c). We could not detect any significant activations in the contrast non-preferred more than preferred.(a)(b)rsob.royalsocietypublishing.org10 8 6 4 26 4 2Open Biol 2:(c)(d )6 4 26 4 2Figure 1. Activation sites. (a) Contrast motion . static (background threshold puncorr , 0.0001, cluster threshold kE . 0, horizontal section at z ?5). (b) Visual cortical areas at which activity was parametrically modulated by rating (background threshold puncorr , 0.001, cluster threshold kE . 0, horizontal section at z ?3). (c) Cortical areas from the contrast patterns rated 1 . patterns rated 4 (background threshold puncorr , 0.001, cluster threshold kE . 0, horizontal section at z ?0). (d ) Parietal cortex activations that correlated with rating (as in (b); background threshold puncorr , 0.001, cluster threshold kE . 0, horizontal section at z ?63).Table 2. Activation sites. Activations shown are significant at pFWE , 0.05 or p , 0.1 (in italics) after Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons. kE is the cluster size in voxels. Coordinates are given in MNI space. contrast motion . static brain areas calcarine sulcus and surroundings, dorsal and ventral V2 and V3 lV5 rV5 modulated with rating lV5 rV3B left parietal cortex right superior parietal lobule rV5 left superior parietal lobule right superior frontal sulcus liked . disliked (rated 4 . rated 1) ventral rV3B lV5 left occipital/parietal pFWE 0 0 0 0 0 0.009 0 0.006 0 0.074 0.002 0.001 0.096 kE 572 103 129 193 76 44 130 48 94 27 51 54 22 X 21 236 48 251 36 233 21 48 218 21 36 248 221 Y 296 260 257 269 287 236 257 278 257 26 284 275 290 Z 12 9 3 3 26 45 63 3 63 54 26 35. DiscussionOur purpose in this study was to begin an enquiry into the relationship between declared (subjective) preferences for simple visual stimuli on the one hand and brain activation on the other, concentrating specifically on early visual areas. The functional specialization of the visual brain [2?] allowed us to restrict our enquiry to one domain, that ofvisual motion. Although any visual or indeed cortical area in which strength of activity correlated with strength of subjective preference would have been of interest, we were especially interested in areas containing directionally selective cells or ones that, in the human, respond strongly to visual motion stimulation. Of these, the most purchase RP5264 prominent is a set of motion-sensitive visual areas comprising V5 and its satellites (the V5 complex or MT?[26,27]) and other visualareas such as V3, V3A and V3B, which, though having lower concent.Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons and trend-significant activations at pFWE , 0.1, corrected (in italics). We also report one small volume correction (SVC) activation based on previous results.4.2.1. Activation of visual motion-related cortexAs expected, the contrast moving dots . stationary dots led to strong activity in the V5 complex [22,23] and also to a large area of activation in the occipital lobe, which includes the upper and lower lips of the calcarine sulcus (corresponding to area V1), as well as dorsal and ventral V2; the activation also included areas of the V3 complex (V3, V3A and V3B; table 2 and figure 1a). All these areas are known to have directionally selective cells [9,24] or to be responsive4.2.3. Preferred . non-preferred (4 . 1)A contrast of preferred more than non-preferred led to the activation of left V5 and right V3A/B, and trendsignificant activation in left occipito-parietal cortex (table 2 and figure 1c). We could not detect any significant activations in the contrast non-preferred more than preferred.(a)(b)rsob.royalsocietypublishing.org10 8 6 4 26 4 2Open Biol 2:(c)(d )6 4 26 4 2Figure 1. Activation sites. (a) Contrast motion . static (background threshold puncorr , 0.0001, cluster threshold kE . 0, horizontal section at z ?5). (b) Visual cortical areas at which activity was parametrically modulated by rating (background threshold puncorr , 0.001, cluster threshold kE . 0, horizontal section at z ?3). (c) Cortical areas from the contrast patterns rated 1 . patterns rated 4 (background threshold puncorr , 0.001, cluster threshold kE . 0, horizontal section at z ?0). (d ) Parietal cortex activations that correlated with rating (as in (b); background threshold puncorr , 0.001, cluster threshold kE . 0, horizontal section at z ?63).Table 2. Activation sites. Activations shown are significant at pFWE , 0.05 or p , 0.1 (in italics) after Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons. kE is the cluster size in voxels. Coordinates are given in MNI space. contrast motion . static brain areas calcarine sulcus and surroundings, dorsal and ventral V2 and V3 lV5 rV5 modulated with rating lV5 rV3B left parietal cortex right superior parietal lobule rV5 left superior parietal lobule right superior frontal sulcus liked . disliked (rated 4 . rated 1) ventral rV3B lV5 left occipital/parietal pFWE 0 0 0 0 0 0.009 0 0.006 0 0.074 0.002 0.001 0.096 kE 572 103 129 193 76 44 130 48 94 27 51 54 22 X 21 236 48 251 36 233 21 48 218 21 36 248 221 Y 296 260 257 269 287 236 257 278 257 26 284 275 290 Z 12 9 3 3 26 45 63 3 63 54 26 35. DiscussionOur purpose in this study was to begin an enquiry into the relationship between declared (subjective) preferences for simple visual stimuli on the one hand and brain activation on the other, concentrating specifically on early visual areas. The functional specialization of the visual brain [2?] allowed us to restrict our enquiry to one domain, that ofvisual motion. Although any visual or indeed cortical area in which strength of activity correlated with strength of subjective preference would have been of interest, we were especially interested in areas containing directionally selective cells or ones that, in the human, respond strongly to visual motion stimulation. Of these, the most prominent is a set of motion-sensitive visual areas comprising V5 and its satellites (the V5 complex or MT?[26,27]) and other visualareas such as V3, V3A and V3B, which, though having lower concent.

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Author: Ubiquitin Ligase- ubiquitin-ligase