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E of rhetoric by supporters and opponents from the `Cronulla Riots’ in Australia. Ethnic Racial Stud. doi. Brislin, R. W. . Backtranslation for crossculture study. J. Cross Cult. Psychol. doi. Case, K. A Iuzzini, J and Hopkins, M Systems of privilegeintersections, awareness, and applications. J. Soc. Problems doi.j.. x Castells, M Networks of Outrage and HopeSocial Movements inside the Web Age. ChichesterWiley. Centre for Civil Liberties . UkraineBrief Legal Evaluation of ‘Dictatorship Law’, Civic Solidarity. Offered athttp:www.civicsolidarity.orgarticle ukrainebrieflegalanalysisdictatorshiplaw Chayinska, M Minescu, A and McGarty, C. (in press). Political solidarity via action (and inaction)how international relations changed intracultural
publishedMay doi.fpsygThe Effectiveness of a new SchoolBased Media Literacy Intervention on Adolescents’ MedChemExpress BMS-687453 Doping Attitudes and Supplements UseFabio Lucidi , Luca Mallia , Fabio Lysine vasopressin site Alivernini , Andrea Chirico , Sara Manganelli , Federica Galli , Valeria Biasi and Arnaldo ZelliDepartment of Social and Developmental Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, Division of Movement, Human and Well being Sciences, University of Rome “Foro Italico”, Rome, Italy, National Institute for the Evaluation from the Education Program, Rome, Italy, Division of Education, Roma Tre University, Rome, ItalyEdited byAndrew Levy, Edge Hill University, UK Reviewed byAdelaida Mar A. M. Castro S chez, University of Almer , Spain Paul Freeman, University of Essex, UK CorrespondenceFabio Lucidi [email protected] Specialty sectionThis write-up was ted to Movement Science and Sport Psychology, a section in the journal Frontiers in Psychology ReceivedJanuary AcceptedApril PublishedMay CitationLucidi F, Mallia L, Alivernini F, Chirico A, Manganelli S, Galli F, Biasi V and Zelli A The Effectiveness of a new SchoolBased Media Literacy Intervention on Adolescents’ Doping Attitudes and Supplements Use. Front. Psychol. :. doi.fpsygThe aim of your study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a media literacy intervention targeting, for the very first time, the precise topic of Overall performance and Look Enhancing Substances (PAESs) use in highschool students. General, students (male) aged between and years (mean . year; SD .) participated to a media literacy intervention (i.e “intervention group”) even though students aged among and year (mean . year; SD .) were regarded because the handle group (i.e “control group”). In two separate occasions over the course of six consecutive months, students in each groups filled out a set of questionnaires which incorporated measures of socialcognitive beliefs (i.e attitudes, subjective norms, intentions) in addition to a selfreported measure of retrospective use of doping (YesNo) and supplements (YesNo). Compared to students in the manage group (Imply(time) .; SD(time) .; and Imply(time) .; SD(time) .), intervention students on average expressed fairly stronger PubMed ID: attitudes against doping use over time (Imply(time) .; SD(time) .; and Mean(time) .; SD(time) .). Students within the latter group also showed a statistically important decrease in selfreported supplement use (Use(time) . ; Use(time) . ; p McNemar Test). Interestingly, albeit marginally significant, students inside the manage group showed a relative increment within the selfreported use of supplements as time passes (Use(time) . ; Use(time) . ; p McNemar Test). General, the media literacy intervention investigated inside the present study was successful.E of rhetoric by supporters and opponents of your `Cronulla Riots’ in Australia. Ethnic Racial Stud. doi. Brislin, R. W. . Backtranslation for crossculture study. J. Cross Cult. Psychol. doi. Case, K. A Iuzzini, J and Hopkins, M Systems of privilegeintersections, awareness, and applications. J. Soc. Difficulties doi.j.. x Castells, M Networks of Outrage and HopeSocial Movements within the World-wide-web Age. ChichesterWiley. Centre for Civil Liberties . UkraineBrief Legal Evaluation of ‘Dictatorship Law’, Civic Solidarity. Accessible athttp:www.civicsolidarity.orgarticle ukrainebrieflegalanalysisdictatorshiplaw Chayinska, M Minescu, A and McGarty, C. (in press). Political solidarity by means of action (and inaction)how international relations changed intracultural
publishedMay doi.fpsygThe Effectiveness of a new SchoolBased Media Literacy Intervention on Adolescents’ Doping Attitudes and Supplements UseFabio Lucidi , Luca Mallia , Fabio Alivernini , Andrea Chirico , Sara Manganelli , Federica Galli , Valeria Biasi and Arnaldo ZelliDepartment of Social and Developmental Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, Department of Movement, Human and Overall health Sciences, University of Rome “Foro Italico”, Rome, Italy, National Institute for the Evaluation from the Education Program, Rome, Italy, Division of Education, Roma Tre University, Rome, ItalyEdited byAndrew Levy, Edge Hill University, UK Reviewed byAdelaida Mar A. M. Castro S chez, University of Almer , Spain Paul Freeman, University of Essex, UK CorrespondenceFabio Lucidi [email protected] Specialty sectionThis post was ted to Movement Science and Sport Psychology, a section of your journal Frontiers in Psychology ReceivedJanuary AcceptedApril PublishedMay CitationLucidi F, Mallia L, Alivernini F, Chirico A, Manganelli S, Galli F, Biasi V and Zelli A The Effectiveness of a new SchoolBased Media Literacy Intervention on Adolescents’ Doping Attitudes and Supplements Use. Front. Psychol. :. doi.fpsygThe aim on the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a media literacy intervention targeting, for the very first time, the specific topic of Efficiency and Appearance Enhancing Substances (PAESs) use in highschool students. Overall, students (male) aged in between and years (mean . year; SD .) participated to a media literacy intervention (i.e “intervention group”) when students aged involving and year (imply . year; SD .) have been considered as the manage group (i.e “control group”). In two separate occasions more than the course of six consecutive months, students in both groups filled out a set of questionnaires which integrated measures of socialcognitive beliefs (i.e attitudes, subjective norms, intentions) plus a selfreported measure of retrospective use of doping (YesNo) and supplements (YesNo). When compared with students inside the control group (Imply(time) .; SD(time) .; and Mean(time) .; SD(time) .), intervention students on typical expressed comparatively stronger PubMed ID: attitudes against doping use over time (Imply(time) .; SD(time) .; and Imply(time) .; SD(time) .). Students in the latter group also showed a statistically important lower in selfreported supplement use (Use(time) . ; Use(time) . ; p McNemar Test). Interestingly, albeit marginally significant, students in the handle group showed a relative increment in the selfreported use of supplements as time passes (Use(time) . ; Use(time) . ; p McNemar Test). General, the media literacy intervention investigated in the present study was efficient.

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Author: Ubiquitin Ligase- ubiquitin-ligase