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ONG technically modified the manuscript; Yuan-wen WANG and Miao-miao WANG assisted
ONG technically modified the manuscript; Yuan-wen WANG and Miao-miao WANG assisted in the preparation and characterization of NPsErg; PF-CBP1 (hydrochloride) biological activity Wen-qian XU assisted in cell culture experiments; Yuan ZHU and Shan-shan TONG helped with the evaluation for the characterization and oral pharmacokinetic study of NPs Erg; Xia CAO assisted within the analysis from the cell culture benefits; Jiang-nan YU contributed for the development in the analytical technique for in vivo ergosterol; Xi-ming XU made and directed the study at the same time as participated inside the all round editing and approval of your paper. All authors reviewed the manuscript.Supplementary informationSupplementary data is readily available in the Acta Pharmacologica Sinica’s website.
INVESTIGATIONThe Draft Genome and Transcriptome of Panagrellus redivivus Are Shaped by the Harsh Demands of a Free-Living LifestyleDivision of Biology, California Institute of Technologies, Pasadena, California , Howard Hughes Healthcare Institute, Pasadena, California , Developmental and Cell Biology and �Center for Complicated Biological Systems, University of California, Irvine, California , and Division of Neurobiology, A. I. Virtanen Institute, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio , FinlandJagan Srinivasan, Adler R. Dillman Marissa G. Macchietto,,Liisa Heikkinen, Merja Lakso, Kelley M. Fracchia, Igor Antoshechkin, Ali Mortazavi,,Garry Wong, and Paul W. Sternberg,,ABSTRACT Nematodes compose an abundant and diverse invertebrate phylum with members inhabiting practically every single ecological niche. Panagrellus redivivus (the “microworm”) is a free-living nematode regularly utilized to understand the eution of developmental and behavioral processes provided its phylogenetic distance to Caenorhabditis elegans. Right here we report the de novo sequencing of the genome, transcriptome, and compact RNAs of P. redivivus. Working with a mixture of automated gene finders and RNA-seq data, we predict , genes and , transcripts. Compact RNA evaluation revealed microRNA (miRNA) hairpins, of which had orthologs in other species. Fourteen miRNA clusters containing miRNA precursors had been identified. The RNA interference, dauer development, and programmed cell death pathways are largely conserved. Analysis of protein loved ones domain abundance revealed that P. redivivus has experienced a striking expansion of BTB domain-containing proteins and an unprecedented expansion in the cullin scaffold family of proteins inved in multi-subunit ubiquitin ligases, suggesting proteolytic plasticity andor tighter regulation of protein turnover. The eukaryotic release element protein household has also been dramatically expanded and suggests an ongoing eutionary arms race with viruses and transposons. The P. redivivus genome delivers a resource to advance our understanding of nematode eution and biology and to additional elucidate PubMed ID: the genomic architecture major to free-living lineages, taking advantage of your several fascinating features of this worm revealed by comparative studies.EMATODES are extremely prolific organisms that originated throughout the Precambrian or Cambrian exion more than million years ago and have subsequently eved exquisite adaptations, enabling them to inhabit practically all ecological niches (Malakhov and Hope ; Ayala and Rzhetsky ; Blaxter et al. ; Rodriguez-Trelles et al.). Most nematodes are adapted to “free-living” lifestyles (i.enonparasitic and not related with plants or animals,Copyright by the Genetics Society of America doi: .genetics Manuscript received December , ; accepted for publication.

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Author: Ubiquitin Ligase- ubiquitin-ligase