Ate at e13.5 but was significantly down regulated at e15.5 (Figs. 1J ). Similar to Six1, Six2 expression was diminished in the preputial fold (Figs. 1K and L). To highlight a spatial distribution pattern of Six2 at the critical period of cloacal morphogenesis at e11.5, we performed RNA in situ hybridization experiments on serial adjacent sagittal sections. Six2 appeared to be expressed in all PCM progenitors (Fig. 1M). However, its transcripts were enriched in the ventral PCM (vPCM) and reduced in the dorsal PCM (dPCM) (Fig. 1M ). This asymmetric expression pattern is in contrast to Six1, which is highly expressed in the dPCM [11]. In addition, Six2 was absent from the urorectal septum, which consists primarily of the ICM progenitors (Figs. 1O and P). Thus Six1 and Six2 have asymmetric, yet complementary,Cloaca Septation and Urogenital DevelopmentFigure 1. Dynamic expression patterns of Six1 and Six2 during urogenital development. Whole-mount in situ hybridization of staged embryos, using Six1- (A ) and Six2- (G ) specific probes, were visualized laterally (A ), dorsally (B9 9) and ventrally (C0 0). (M ). Six2 in situ hybridization was performed on a series of e11.5 sagittal sections. C, cloaca; GT, genital tubercle; ICM, intra-cloacal mesenchyme; PCM, peri-cloacal mesenchyme; dPCM, dorsal PCM; vPCM, ventral PCM; PF, preputial fold; T, tail; arrow, metanephric mesenchyme; UGS, urogenital sinus. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055587.gperineum, and that these progenitors are committed to the fate of the perineum as early as e11.5 prior to separation of the urinary and digestive outflow tracts.Six1 and Six2 have redundant functions in PCM progenitorsMouse mutants lacking either Six1 or Six2 die at birth due to renal agenesis defects [12,14,16?8]. All of Six22/2 (n = 12) and Six1+/2;Six22/2 (n = 18) mutants had grossly normal genital tubercle and anal structures [11] (Fig. 4A and data not shown). Only a small percentage (20 , n = 20) of Six12/2 embryos had a displacement of the ITI 007 manufacturer urethral meatus at a ventral and proximal region of the external genitalia, resembling a hypospadias-likephenotype (Fig. 4A and data not shown) [19?1]. Loss of one allele in the Six2 in Six12/2 mutant background (Six12/2;Six2+/2) (n = 14) increased penetrance of the hypospadias-like phenotype to 85.7 (Figs. 4A, D and E). Mutant genital tubercles were overall smaller than wild type littermate controls. In addition, the urethral meatus were displaced at the base of external genitalia (Figs. 4D and E). Loss of both genes (Six12/2;Six22/2, n = 3) resulted in agenesis of the perineum and severe hypoplastic external genitalia (Figs. 4A, F and G). Thus, Six1 and Six2 have redundant and HIF-2��-IN-1 essential functions in PCM progenitors during perineum and genital tubercle formation. To better understand urogenital and anorectal defects of Six1;Six2 compound mutants, we performed histological analysisCloaca Septation and Urogenital DevelopmentFigure 2. A genetic fate map of Six2-expressing PCM progenitors. X-gal staining (blue) of sagittal (A , G and H) and cross (E, F, I, J) sections from e11.75, e13.5 and e15.5 Six2GC/+;R26RLacZ double heterozygous embryos. All sections were counterstained with eosin (pink). A, anus; PG, preputial gland; see Figure 1 for more abbreviations. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055587.gof serial sagittal sections from newborn male and female pups (Figs. 4H ). Perineal stromal tissue, which separates urinary and digestive tracts, was apparent and indicated by the anog.Ate at e13.5 but was significantly down regulated at e15.5 (Figs. 1J ). Similar to Six1, Six2 expression was diminished in the preputial fold (Figs. 1K and L). To highlight a spatial distribution pattern of Six2 at the critical period of cloacal morphogenesis at e11.5, we performed RNA in situ hybridization experiments on serial adjacent sagittal sections. Six2 appeared to be expressed in all PCM progenitors (Fig. 1M). However, its transcripts were enriched in the ventral PCM (vPCM) and reduced in the dorsal PCM (dPCM) (Fig. 1M ). This asymmetric expression pattern is in contrast to Six1, which is highly expressed in the dPCM [11]. In addition, Six2 was absent from the urorectal
septum, which consists primarily of the ICM progenitors (Figs. 1O and P). Thus Six1 and Six2 have asymmetric, yet complementary,Cloaca Septation and Urogenital DevelopmentFigure 1. Dynamic expression patterns of Six1 and Six2 during urogenital development. Whole-mount in situ hybridization of staged embryos, using Six1- (A ) and Six2- (G ) specific probes, were visualized laterally (A ), dorsally (B9 9) and ventrally (C0 0). (M ). Six2 in situ hybridization was performed on a series of e11.5 sagittal sections. C, cloaca; GT, genital tubercle; ICM, intra-cloacal mesenchyme; PCM, peri-cloacal mesenchyme; dPCM, dorsal PCM; vPCM, ventral PCM; PF, preputial fold; T, tail; arrow, metanephric mesenchyme; UGS, urogenital sinus. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055587.gperineum, and that these progenitors are committed to the fate of the perineum as early as e11.5 prior to separation of the urinary and digestive outflow tracts.Six1 and Six2 have redundant functions in PCM progenitorsMouse mutants lacking either Six1 or Six2 die at birth due to renal agenesis defects [12,14,16?8]. All of Six22/2 (n = 12) and Six1+/2;Six22/2 (n = 18) mutants had grossly normal genital tubercle and anal structures [11] (Fig. 4A and data not shown). Only a small percentage (20 , n = 20) of Six12/2 embryos had a displacement of the urethral meatus at a ventral and proximal region of the external genitalia, resembling a hypospadias-likephenotype (Fig. 4A and data not shown) [19?1]. Loss of one allele in the Six2 in Six12/2 mutant background (Six12/2;Six2+/2) (n = 14) increased penetrance of the hypospadias-like phenotype to 85.7 (Figs. 4A, D and E). Mutant genital tubercles were overall smaller than wild type littermate controls. In addition, the urethral meatus were displaced at the base of external genitalia (Figs. 4D and E). Loss of both genes (Six12/2;Six22/2, n = 3) resulted in agenesis of the perineum and severe hypoplastic external genitalia (Figs. 4A, F and G). Thus, Six1 and Six2 have redundant and essential functions in PCM progenitors during perineum and genital tubercle formation. To better understand urogenital and anorectal defects of Six1;Six2 compound mutants, we performed histological analysisCloaca Septation and Urogenital DevelopmentFigure 2. A genetic fate map of Six2-expressing PCM progenitors. X-gal staining (blue) of sagittal (A , G and H) and cross (E, F, I, J) sections from e11.75, e13.5 and e15.5 Six2GC/+;R26RLacZ double heterozygous embryos. All sections were counterstained with eosin (pink). A, anus; PG, preputial gland; see Figure 1 for more abbreviations. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055587.gof serial sagittal sections from newborn male and female pups (Figs. 4H ). Perineal stromal tissue, which separates urinary and digestive tracts, was apparent and indicated by the anog.